Thursday, December 11, 2014

Final Blog

Abha city

Is one of the most popular cities in the middle east. From a beautiful view to popular modern commercial centers the people come from all over the world to go and get the chance to view such beauty. The best time to visit is in the summer when the climate is mild. People all over travel here to get away from the summer heat to enjoy the elevation of the sea that gives you the pleasant weather year round to lovely scenery that speaks for its self with a natural look that will take your breathe away. With plenty of antique stores for treasured souvenirs and treasured traditional antiques to take treasured memories with you.
Abha's Clouds and climate.

The culture and true value of its rich nature is what brings the visitors. The wonders of such nature such as hanging ladders that have been around for 500 years, to cliffs, buildings and lovely edges of the tall beautiful mountains. In Abha on the mountains of Aseer is the highest peak. The peak is 10,000 Ft high. The people call it Souda (black) because of the big dark trees and the cloudy skies. Abha first park covers a large area from the Asser mountains to the coast of Red Sea. The art of just fascinating heritage village with stone places that are so unique and original.
Abha's Mountains. 

The fog that slowly surrounds the mountains is everyone's favorite time to go and hunt, and fishing. The Abha Lake is a must see. It 300,000 square-meter perfect for a long stroll around the lakeside. Lets not forget the miraculous big blue ocean with hours of fishing ground to cover and a closer view of the inspiring mountains. While you enjoy the misty mountains tops and cooling breezes the springs is famous for its calming energy that gives you center peace while you embrace the fresh air that helps the body and mind relax.
Abha's Ocean.

The most fascinating things that lay in such a beautiful city such as Abha is the foundation of the original homes that were built out of mud on top of mountains what men has made out of mud. Experts believe this style of architecture is way back from more than on thousand years.The woman of the family with bright colors paint the homes with lively colors from plants or minerals to concoct veneers and pattens that are painted along the rooftops to the framing of doors and windows. Abha people paint their homes each year as tradition for religious festivals.
Abha's Houses Made of Mud.

Life in Abha retains a pleasant quality of the past,  the city is still moving forward there are vocational training centers and beautiful sites that lye all along the city. Abha offers something for visitors of all ages. A retreat from stress as you discover the natural beauty of this region. Abha will remain a favorite family destination for memorial vacation from now and plenty of years to come.
Abha's Lake Where People Go Fishing. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Third Blog " Abha's Clouds"

Abha’s Clouds 

Clouds are phenomenal objects that fly in the sky most of the time, yet we lack a lot of information about them all because of our ignorance. There are many types of clouds that form in different geological regions and weather conditions. Abha , Saudi Arabia , where I came from, encounters many of these clouds types with its huge reputation of cloudy climate among Saudis. 
Common Types of Clouds 

The process of condensation of evaporated water leads to the formation of clouds. These formations results to many types of clouds that range from a low level to a high level clouds. 
Clouds Reaching Houses in the Mountains  
The formation of clouds is one of the fundamental processes of the water cycle in earth. Stratus, Altostratus, Cirrus and Cumulus are most of common types of the clouds.  Stratus is considered a low cloud type. Altorstarus is a middle level cloud and cirrus is a high level cloud. On the other hand, Cumulus has a vertical deployment formation. Abha has all these types of clouds. 

Fogs on the Highway 
Abha is known of being partially cloud over the course of the year. In the summer time, “the sky mostly clear 47% of the time, partly cloudy 29% of the time, and mostly cloudy or overcast 7% of the time”. However; in the wintertime, the sky is mostly cloudy or overcast and foggy 70% of the time and partly cloudy 30% of the time.
Clouds above Earth Level 
All in all, clouds are one of the main sources of fresh water. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has tried to condense Abha’s clouds to generate rain using some type of condensation chemicals and they sprayed them on the clouds. They were successful and they generated “enforced rain”.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Second Blog

Rock Decay

 Rock Decay:
Abha’s weather is changing from being hot to cold but mostly cold , therefore weathering consequences can occur. Many processes shape earth’s surface, one of the important processes is weathering. It is the beginning of changing the earth’s surface, and it occurs over, relatively, large periods of time. It is important to understand the difference between weathering and erosion. Weathering is rock decay, while erosion is the process of transporting weathered material. Weathering and similar processes are studied in the field of geomorphology, which is a combination between both Geography and Geology.
Chemical Decay
There are two different types of weathering. The first type is physical weathering, which can happen in many forms. Physical weathering takes advantage of physical weaknesses in a rock, and increases their numbers. For example, frost decay is one of the important physical weathering processes. It happens more prevalently in high altitudes and latitudes where many freeze-thaw cycles happen. It happens when water seeps into joints, freezes, thermally expands, and melts back. This happens over large periods of time, and after a sufficient number of cycles, blocks of rocks will be pushed away. The second type is chemical decay is the chemical alteration of rocks and minerals. One of the most important chemical decay processes is dissolution. In this process, a mineral is completely dissolved by water. This causes many constructional problems. Sink holes happen when limestone dissolves by groundwater, which makes it important for people to study the layers underneath where they want to build.
 Mass Wasting:
Mass Wasting
Since Abha is above the sea level, it is surrounded by mountains. Mass wasting depends primarily on gravity to transport decayed material down slopes. The material that is being transported is called colluvium. It is important to understand mass wasting in order to mitigate its hazards. Many people lose their houses due to mass wasting. Mass wasting can happen in many forms. Rocks can fall, slide, topple, or flow.